"Gentlemen, in the little moment that remains to us between the crisis and the catastrophe, we may as well drink a glass of champagne."
-Paul Claudel


I have been putting a lot of thought into bread these days.  I spent the last many weeks making it, all day every day.  And, now I know that baking bread is like being in an alternate universe, a suspended society.  You think with your hands. That is it. When it feels right you move on to the next step.  The palms of your hands define the process; they determine everything. Bread making is, of course, a science; but, for me it feels more like art with science chasing after it. It is a true extension of self and I currently cannot think of anything more profound...

some samples of my good times with bread: 

 french white loaf

 another french white loaf with a stylistic difference

 the queen mixer: for when the palms of your hands get tired.

 breads with nuts... please! just, walnuts!

 focaccia.  yummmmmmmmmmm.

 hot cross buns :) 

 braided dough

 lemonylemonylemony donuts

 bagels: invite me to brunch and I will make 'em for ya! 

 pretzel: before

 pretzel: after

croissant: close to perfection was achieved in 1 out of 30... 
betta than nothin'.

if you find bread as exciting as I do, start here: !!!!
Tartine Bread by Chad Robertson
It is delightful and user-friendly.